
Showing posts from September, 2008

Why Read Blogs at Work?

Nice post on why you should read blogs at work . Actually I was quite surprised we need a post on this topic. I would say: of course you read blogs (and other information) at work! Apparently some people need to be convinced... And I hope they are after reading this post.

Recommended links infoarch 09/27/2008

YouTube - Low-Cost Multi-touch Whiteboard using the Wiimote tags: touch , interface , whiteboard TwitterFone: Send Messages to Twitter with Voice tags: microblogging

Recommended links infoarch 09/26/2008

Video: Web Search Strategies in Plain English | Common Craft - Explanations In Plain English tags: search , productivity Trouble At The Office? - BusinessWeek Magazine tags: knowledgeworker , office , business , productivity

Intranet from Good to Great

On the Intranetblog I recently bumped into "The Good to Great Matrix. Key Factors for Intranet Success" . Being a big 'Good to Great' fan (book by Jim Collins) and because I like to read up on Intranet, I was curious what this matrix would bring us. Well, it's definitely worth your time if you like to think about Intranet improvement! The matrix was developed by Toby Ward, "based on real experience with intranets or organizations with an average of 5000 employees". Well, what do you get? It gives you a list of "success factors", such as "design", "layout", "governance" and tells you what a good and great intranet will show in these areas. I'll give you a few examples from the matrix, focusing only on great intranets, of course...: with respect to "content", great intranets have "web-trained writers". Although I agree with most cells in the matrix, I was surprised by this one. If, as another...

Recommended links infoarch 09/25/2008

Trendspotting at BlogWorldExpo: What’s Next in Blogging and Social Media? - Mashable tags: blogging Forrester Research On B2B Marketers Slow Adoption of Web 2.0 Strategies tags: web2.0 , b2b From Web to Web 2.0: Discussing the Impact of the new Internet on B2B « Ãœbersicht: Alexander Stocker’s Web’Blog tags: web2.0 , b2b

First Experiences with Twine

As promised I would let you know what my experiences are with Twine . Basically not much. I really took a good look at it in the beginning, but could find out how it would fit in my work. I couldn't just drop my work documents there. I stuff I do outside work doesn't fit there at all. So, in the end I didn't up using it much. I'm still listening to the Twine users and hoping to hear from them how I can integrate it in my work life. I do find that Twine could mean a lot in the enterprise. I would be wonderful to drop all my stuff in their, have Twine find interesting related documents, bookmarks and people, connect to people that work on related stuff, etc. Maybe we can try this in the near future? Two interesting posts on Twine can be found here and here .

Recommended links infoarch 09/24/2008

Tom Peters: Blogging Has Changed My Life | Debbie Weil on Corporate Blogging and Social Media tags: blogging The way I work | sacha chua :: enterprise 2.0 consultant, storyteller, geek tags: millenials , knowledgeworker acidlabs » Enterprise 2.0 - Enabling change or part of the problem? tags: enterprise2.0 , socioprise WebWorkerDaily » Archive Would You Go Back to Fulltime Office Work? « tags: knowledgeworker , telework O'Reilly -- What Is Web 2.0 tags: web2.0 : feed your blog to twitter - post RSS to twitter automatically tags: microblogging Technorati: State of the Blogosphere 2008 - Annotated tags: blogging

Recommended links infoarch 09/23/2008 - Opinie - Het ideaal van deze tijd is chaotisch gerommel tags: knowledgeworker , productivity Why Many Social Software Projects Fail tags: socialsoftware , socialmedia Google Blog Directory tags: blogging , google

The Silo Lives!

Some time ago I posted on an interesting article about "Communication on a Modern, Complex Organization" . Now an interview with the authors has been published . Interesting stuff!

Recommended links infoarch 09/21/2008

ChiefTech: The Enterprise 2.0 Rulez tags: enterprise2.0 , socioprise The future of intranets - Intranet Blog - FindTech Blogs tags: intranet “My sites”: do they work? » Column Two tags: sharepoint , intranet Social Software - The Basics By Jon Mell tags: socialmedia , socialsoftware , web2.0 Social Bookmarking in the Enterprise at MITRE - Knowledge Jolt with Jack tags: socialbookmarking , enterprise2.0 Web 2.0 Expo NY: Tim O'Reilly (O'Reilly Media, Inc.), Enterprise Radar tags: web2.0 , enterprise2.0 , socioprise Timorexpony tags: web2.0 , enterprise2.0 , socioprise

Wiki Minutes?

While reading this post about wiki collaboration an idea popped up. I am secretary of a couple of meetings. This means I have to write minutes. These minutes are quite formal, written in a template, published with approval and distributed. But before they are distributed I regularly have to ask several meeting participants if I correctly jotted down their point. Well, here's my idea. Wouldn't it be nice if everyone at the meeting had a Google Document of a wiki page in front of him/her? The secretary would have primary responsibility for the minutes. But all other can read along, change and extend the minutes. This makes things must nicer for the secretary and by reading along with the minutes the meeting will hopefully keep to the agenda (point). Or is somebody already doing this? If so, what are your experiences? And if nobody is doing this, what do you think of this idea?

How BT uses Social Media Tools

Richard Dennison just shared a case study that was done for BT on how they use social media . If you follow Richard's blog you won't read anything new, but this case study does sum it all up nicely. What I was wondering though is: Do they help their users/customers decide where to share and store information? With all these tools, it can become hard for them to choose the right tool! I’m working on an internal document to do just this. And I’ll share it with you soon.

Recommended links infoarch 09/18/2008

Viadesk - Het Virtueel Kantoor voor Professional Community's tags: collaboration , solution Cognition Announces "World's Largest Semantic Map" - ReadWriteWeb tags: semanticweb , languagetechnology , search Semantics + Google = SemantiFind - ReadWriteWeb tags: semanticweb , languagetechnology , search Above and Beyond KM: Twittering Inside the Firewall tags: microblogging delizzy - Bookmarks Search Engine tags: socialbookmarking , search 11 Tools to Help You Save Sites for Reading Later - Mashable tags: knowledgeworker , productivity The FASTForward Blog » Will you Twitter inside the enterprise?: Enterprise 2.0 Blog: News, Coverage, and Commentary tags: microblogging Users Clammer for Yammer but will Corporate IT Follow? tags: microblogging oYammer - Corporate Twitter in Enterprise 2.0 tags: microblogging WebWorkerDaily » Archive 3 Ways to Improve Search « tags: socialbookmarking , search Achieving effective Enterprise 2.0 tags: enterprise2.0 , ...

Workshop on Enterprise Social Software

Just came back from a nice workshop on Enterprise Social Software . It was organized by the Telematica Institute and held at IBM in Amsterdam. The Telematica Instituut organized this workshop in the context of one of their project, the Future Workspaces (FWS) project . The group of participants was really nice. It always wonderful to be together with people from the knowledge management (or, in this case, more specifically, the Enterprise2.0 community) and openly talk to and share with each other. These people love to tell all! About FWS project We started with a short presentation about the FWS project by Robert Slagter. More information can be found here . Showcase Enterprise Social software IBM Then Erik Krischan of IBM gave an overview of what IBM is doing internally with social media. If you follow Luis Suarez , e.g., you already know they’re doing A LOT in this area. It was nice to get an overview of this from Erik. Here’s my notes: He wanted to give a brief introduction and f...

Recommended links infoarch 09/17/2008

Personal Productivity - is that what I really want - Knowledge Jolt with Jack tags: productivity , knowledgeworker Emerald: Article Request - Creating communities of practices to manage technological knowledge: An evaluation study at Rolls-Royce Have this article in hardcopy tags: community Staff directories benefit from cross-linking » Column Two tags: expertfinder , socialnetworking What do CIOs Think About Social Media? - ReadWriteWeb tags: IT , enterprise2.0 , socialmedia Twitter Search tags: microblogging OtherInbox: A Mailbox For Spam (Invites) - ReadWriteWeb tags: email "Getting Things Done" in The Enterprise - ReadWriteWeb tags: office , productivity

Revv up Internal PeopleFinders

James Robertson of the Column Two blog has a very interesting post on "Staff Directories benefit from Cross-Linking" In short (you should read the whole post!) it says to cross-link your internal staff directory as much as possible and it also tells you how to do this. I completely agree with this point. At the company I work for we also did this in our old people directory too. Regrettably it was replaced by a less-linked one. We’re working on getting the more cross-linked people directory back. Another example of cross-linking is ‘people > expertise’. We added that in our old version too. That gave very interesting results. Finally, this can also be extended outside the company. The internal directory then becomes a CRM-ish tool.

Publishing in a Web 2.0 World

It's been a while ago since I found this, however I didn't have time to listen to it until yesterday... An interesting talk by Tim O'Reilly on Publishing in the new Web 2.0 world . Really interesting to hear how his company, a book publishing company, is keeping up with this new world and how traditional (paper) and modern (digital/web) publishing complement each other.

Ambient Awareness

Sometimes you run into an article that just blows you away. (Thanks for the pointer Lilia !) That's what happened to me while reading Clive Thompson's NYT article "Brave New World of Digital Intimacy" . The article is very long, but super informative and gripping. It's about online social networks, especially Facebook and Twitter . I find everybody should read it! The article questions why and how people use these tools. It basically answers the question with: You have to experience it to know. It also questions how real-life social networks relate to digital ones. Why are real-life networks smaller than digital ones and what does this mean for intimacy. I love the terms 'ambient awareness', 'ambient intimacy' and 'ad hoc, self-organizing socializing' to depict these tools. Because it's true, that what I experience too when using Twitter , my blog and Facebook . And I knew real-life networks were limited by the magic number, 150. But ...

Recommended links infoarch 09/12/2008

SharePoint: A Different Kind Of ECM tags: sharepoint , ecm Leveraging SharePoint In ECM tags: sharepoint , ecm ECM on SharePoint: Sex, Lies and Videotape tags: sharepoint , ecm The SharePoint Revolution: Creating Order Out Of Digital Chaos tags: sharepoint , ecm ContributedEditorial: What’s In It For Me? SharePoint And The Ch tags: sharepoint , ecm Contributed Editorial: The SharePoint Phenomena: Microsoft Exec tags: sharepoint , ecm Article: Revealing SharePoint’s ECM Identity tags: sharepoint , ecm

Office 2.0 conference summary

This post is not really intended for you, my dear readers. But you can read along if you like. Just wanted to collect lots of links on the Office 2.0 2008 conference after reading the posts and watching the video's. In short the conference was about 'doing everything in the cloud', interesting stuff on e-signatures, progress on virtual conferencing and creating successful communities (inside and outside the company). Here's my link collection: Office 2.0 Conference day one | Collaboration 2.0 | Office 2.0 Day 1 Recap - ReadWriteWeb The Future of Documents - Document 2.0 panel at Office 2.0 conference The Office (2.0): No paper? No problem. | Between the Lines | Office 2.0 Day 2 Recap - ReadWriteWeb Video: Office 2.0: Creating successful online communities | Between the Lines |

Recommended links infoarch 09/11/2008

I’m So Totally, Digitally Close to You - Clive Thompson - tags: socialnetworking , microblogging I’m So Totally, Digitally Close to You - Clive Thompson - tags: no_tag How Twitter Can Help at Work - Shifting Careers - Small Business - New York Times Blog tags: microblogging , enterprise2.0 The Younger Generations & Their Impact on the Corporate World - Sacha Chua & Andy Burman tags: millenials Stigmergic Collaboration: A Theoretical Framework for Mass Collaboration tags: masscollaboration , collaboration , enterprise2.0 IBM - 2008 Global CEO Study: The Enterprise of the Future - United States tags: enterprise2.0 , trends List of Enterprise Microblogging Tools: Twitter for the Intranet tags: microblogging , enterprise2.0 EFF: Fighting for Bloggers' Rights tags: blog

Esquire e-ink cover

Wow! Esquire has an e-ink cover for its anniversary edition. Boing Boing isn't too impressed though: Esquire e-ink cover a pathetic disappointment.

Word Processing Poll RRW and My Prediction

Interesting poll on Word Processing over at ReadWriteWeb. I must admit I still mostly use MS Word at work. But at home I just Google Docs and OpenOffice more and more. I do find, though, that even within companies, document collaboration will move to the web. And we will be working directly on document content using wiki concepts and stuff like Scribd more and more. Do you agree?

Recommended links infoarch 09/09/2008

Wanna See My Wiki? The Chevron Story Continues tags: wiki Tweets From the Chiefs - BusinessWeek tags: microblogging WikiMatrix / Request to include Sharepoint 2007 wiki - Compare them all tags: sharepoint , wiki WikiMatrix / SharePoint 2007 Wiki Evaluation? - Compare them all tags: sharepoint , wiki - Vyew - FREE Anytime Collaboration and Live Conferencing™ tags: collaboration , office EchoSign — E-Signature and Digital Signature System tags: infosecurity IBM developerWorks : Qualities of different social experience models (why there is no single idea behind "Community") tags: community IBM developerWorks : IT vs Operator/Exec vs Social computing culture tags: socialmedia , community Word Processing: Most of You Still Use Desktop Software - ReadWriteWeb tags: office Six Degrees of Separation Is Now Three tags: socialnetworking

IT, Executive and Social Media Culture

Nice comparison of IT, Operator & Executive, and Social Computing culture on the IBM developerWorks platform. I don't agree with one row though. It says IT finds that "Information can be captured and frozen in time". The Operator & Executive cell has not been filled in. I would say they agree with IT on this topic. Social Computing does not agree with IT on this. According to Social Computing culture information is alive and also co-evolving. Remember ?

Faster Answer Finding in Three Degrees of Separation World?

Interesting article on Techcrunch about "Six Degrees of Separation Is Now Three" . And, as we all know and experience, "email and mobile phones were the key factors in reducing the degrees of separation." What I was wondering though is: are we actually also finding answers more quickly than in the 'six degree world'? Is there any research on this topic? Because, if it's true that our separation is diminishing and we are more connected than ever, this should also have some great advantages, right? Or is it just leading to more information (overload)? I think this trend could have really nice consequences. Wouldn't it be nice if you were walking around alone somewhere in a city and you would like to talk to someone on subject x, that your mobile would tell you that such a person is nearby? What (dis)advantages do you see?

Recommended links infoarch 09/07/2008

Utterz - Mobile Multimedia Discussions tags: microblogging twittervision tags: microblogging Twitter: The hottest Web startup - Aug. 6, 2008 tags: microblogging What's everyone yelping about? - Digg (1) - FORTUNE tags: web2.0 , socialmedia Google celebrates its 10th anniversary - Sep. 5, 2008 tags: google Google turns 10: A look back - 1998: Garage days (1) - FORTUNE tags: google Twitter took off from simple to 'tweet' success - tags: microblogging

Recommended links infoarch 09/06/2008

Debbie Weil on Corporate Blogging and Social MediaDebbie Weil | List of 67+ Big Brand Corporate Blogs tags: blogging , blog Doodling on social media tools and organisational culture … « Inside out tags: socialmedia , enterprise2.0

So, where is Matt?

Just for the fun of and because it's almost weekend. Do you know where Matt is ?

Do Internal and External Wikis differ? And What's the Difference between Wikis en ECM?

Insightful post on the 'Grow Your Wiki' blog , clearly describing the difference between internet and intranet wiki's. And the difference between ecm and wiki's.

Recommended links infoarch 09/05/2008

Where The Hell Is Matt? tags: video , fun What is FriendFeed’s Effect on Blogging? tags: blogging , microblogging KPMG in Canada | Web 2.0: The Benefits and Challenges of Adoption tags: enterprise2.0 , socioprise KPMG - Enterprise 2.0: fad or future? tags: enterprise2.0 , socioprise

Recommended links infoarch 09/04/2008

Sure, Wikis Are Cool… But Can They Help My Business? tags: wiki Engineers without Fears: online communities - everybody's gotta thang tags: community Investing in the IT That Makes a Competitive Difference tags: business , IT Andrew McAfee tags: enterprise2.0 , socioprise , masscollaboration Enterprise Systems | The Invisibility of Knowledge Work tags: knowledgeworker Enterprise Systems | Crafting Uniqueness in Knowledge Work tags: knowledgeworker ChiefTech: SNA study of tags: wiki , roles Library clips :: ROI for the knowledge worker is ROI for all, and how KM took an ironic approach :: August :: 2008 tags: knowledgeworker , knowledgemanagement

Investing in the IT That Makes a Competitive Difference

An interesting article was published in the July-August 2008 edition of HBR. It was titled "Investing in the IT That Makes a Competitive Difference" and written by Andrew McAfee and Erik Brynjolfsson . It interested me because McAfee is one of the authors - I try to follow his work. Furthermore I was curious what they had to say on the way companies invest in IT. In most large companies the large part of the spending is on large corporate-wide systems, like SAP. And not on an enterprise-wide collaboration tool or corporate intranet, for instance. So, what do they have to say? What I’ll do is summarize the article for you, passing on the highlights. But first a couple of comments: I’m surprised to read they advise companies to define (new) ways of working after deploying a technology platform. I thought we should define our working methods first? I’m surprised they don’t mention PDM/PLM (Product Data Management/Product Lifecycle Management) systems as examples of enterp...

Implementing non-"manage risk, reduce costs" IT projects

Olivier Amprimo over at the Headshift blog has a very long and interesting post on "Taxonomies > Sensemaking > Adoption" . First of all Olivier points us to Marchand's strategic information alignment framework. This model is pretty well-known. Nonetheless, I took another good look at it after reading Olivier's post and even printed it to hang in on the wall as a constant reminder. Why? Well, Olivier shows us why many innovative IT projects struggle. I advise you to read his whole post, but I'll pass some main points - I hope I got them… - here: In theory, IT policies are to address the four elements evolving in a sequence "manage risks" > "reduce costs" > "add value" > "create new reality". In reality this taxonomy displays two distinct (and often non-compatible) behaviours: -    manage risks and reduce costs -    add value and create new reality This is a good reminder! This is why the big PDM and ERP...

Recommended links infoarch 09/03/2008

Effective governance unleashes the creative potential of Web 2.0 in the business - Trends in the Living Networks tags: enterprise2.0 , socioprise , policy tfpl blog: Breaking the e-mail compulsion tags: email No Rest for the Wiki tags: wiki Google on Google Chrome - comic book tags: google , webbrowser Official Google Blog: A fresh take on the browser - Annotated tags: webbrowser , google Google to Offer its Own Browser: Chrome - ReadWriteWeb tags: google , webbrowser Rough Type: Nicholas Carr's Blog: The cloud's Chrome lining tags: google , webbrowser First Images of Google Chrome tags: google , webbrowser Google Video for Business Launches: YouTube for Enterprise - ReadWriteWeb tags: video , google , enterprise2.0

On Breaking the E-mail Compulsion

Often the blogosphere just points you to great posts. Luis Suarez pointed us/me to this great post on email overload on the tfpl blog . It is titled "Breaking the e-mail compulsion" . It passes on some interesting facts about email use and addiction. It goes on to give us some good email tips (which I apply already). But what really triggered me was the big question: The challenge that I would like organisations and vendors to address is this: How do we enable colleagues to generate, send and store an important communication about a project within the same application that holds the rest of the documents, communications and information relating to that project? I can't tell you too much, but colleagues of mine addressed this issue and answered this question to a large extent. I pointed to a paper on this work here . And I hope to publish another paper on this topic with them soon. So, keep in touch! "Context" and keeping information "in context" i...

Microsoft's Blogging Policy

An interesting remarks in Ross Dawson's " Review of Day One of Enterprise 2.0 conference" : Nigel Watson of Microsoft described the history of blogging at Microsoft, from the early days through to the breadth of blogging across the enterprise that there is today. While I'm familiar with the history, it was good to hear it again. I didn't realize that Microsoft doesn't have an explicit blogging policy, and that Microsoft's general employee policies are seen as sufficient. I knew they had a simple policy like: "Be smart". But this means their policy is even simpler!

Recommended links infoarch 09/02/2008

Delta Knowledge: What makes a wiki work well? tags: adoption , socialmedia , wiki , enterprise2.0

BT Intranet evolution

Richard Dennison of BT has a nice diagram to show how their intranet evolved. Go and take a look !