Learn from other intranets, join the Digital Workplace Survey

What is the best way to benchmark your intranet? How can you learn from other intranets?
Comparing intranets
There are many ways to find intranet inspiration. Among others you can:
There are many ways to find intranet inspiration. Among others you can:
- Have your intranet assessed by an intranet expert
- Read a good book about intranet
- Visit organizations that have a (beautiful) intranet
- Visit a conference or workshop about intranet
- Join online or offline intranet networking groups
This list doesn’t mention listening to your users, because I assume you're already doing that…
Digital Workplace Survey 2013
Another way to learn from others is to join intranet surveys. The most well-known survey is Jane McConnell’s. Jane is a well-known intranet expert. Jane’s internal research on intranet has been going on for years now. The scope of her research used to be intranet and has broadened to the digital workplace. Many organizations participate in her research. The survey is broad and deep. Filling out the survey takes about an hour of your time. For this hour of your time you get a free copy of the report. The report is a perfect way to benchmark your intranet. Compare your intranet with the results of the survey and you’ll know where your intranet needs development. Or you might find your intranet belongs to the select class of intranet leaders.
Please participate!
I highly recommend partcipating in this survey. Just by filling in the survey you learn a lot about the facets of intranet. And you also get the final report which is loaded with inspiration and learning points. I too am curious what the results will be and will blog about them when the report is out.
Personally I hope more Dutch organizations will participate. Last year just one did… I know of many interesting intranets in Holland that others can learn from.
Are you planning on participating in Jane’s survey? Let me know. And I’d also like to know if you will not participate this year.