
Showing posts from June, 2008

Recommended links infoarch 06/28/2008

Do Less. Get More. Develop on SharePoint. tags: sharepoint Relatics Interesting Dutch company with semantic information management platform. tags: infoarch , km NASA - People tags: thoughtleader , km

Recommended links infoarch 06/12/2008

Open source blogs and wikis, Words of Wisdom, Leadership Principles, 800 Pound Gorilla, Introduction to social network methods - Weekly Knowledge Management blog by Stan Garfield tags: blog , wiki World's best intranet: IBM (webinar) - Intranet Blog - FindTech Blogs tags: intranet

Recommended links infoarch 06/11/2008

Rough Type: Nicholas Carr's Blog: Read it, if you can tags: google

Real People Don't Have Time for Social Media

Great post by ReadWriteWeb titled "Real People Don't Have Time for Social Media" . With an interesting picture taken from the Museum 2.0 blog . I'd say the timeline is about right!

The New Push to Get Rid of Paper

Two interesting posts on 'going paperless'. One from BusinessWeek en one from Xerox Future of Documents blog . Enjoy!

Insights about Sharepoint (and Intranet)

There's been lots of buzz on Sharepoint and the use of Sharepoint as an intranet. Slowly the pros and cons of Sharepoint are being published. A much-stated remarks is that MOSS should not be used for large enterprises. Not much detail is given by those who say that. Maybe they could give us some more insight in this topic? In my experience many large companies are implementing MOSS and doing that pretty successfully. Furthermore good architecture and governance is stressed. As well as addressing records management. W.r.t. RM I found it very insightful that the RM team blogged on RM in Sharepoint for some time to address question and discuss with customers what they needed. A recent Gartner report showed however that Sharepoint only supports some of the compliance standards. Thanks Intranet Blog and tfpl blog for the insightful posts.

Recommended links infoarch 06/06/2008

The Many Challenges of Corporate Blogging tags: blogging How to get started with corporate blogging (1/3) tags: blogging Blogging inside BT « Inside out tags: blogging Jon Mell - Web 2.0 ideas and strategy: ROI of blogging tags: blog , blogging Jon Mell - Web 2.0 ideas and strategy: Corporate Facebook - should you use Facebook or a Facebook-type system? tags: intranet

IBM's Social Computing Guidelines

Luis Suarez posted about IBM's update social computing guidelines . I like the fact that they expanded their blogging guidelines to social computing guidelines in general. I also like the fact that they have a short list of guidelines and, if you need more detail, an expanded explanation of the guidelines. What I was wondering though was: although internal and external is blurring, are IBM's guidelines for internal use of social computing different than their external ones? Or: are these guidelines mainly focused on external use or are they also applied to internal use? And does IBM differ between use of these tools by R&D and the rest of IBM?

So What's Social Media?

The CommonCraft show did it again! Another great 'in plain English' video on 'social media' . Thanks for sharing this with us!