Presentation #kmnl by Christiaan Stam
Christiaan Stam, associate lector, knowledge community Intellectual Capital, Hogeschool INHolland.
Title: Learning from elderly people.
Look at ageing from knowledge management perspective.
This work was triggered by a thesis in his PhD thesis: "In the near future the success of companies depends on the will to invest in the development of older employees."
Provides numbers on demographics and ageing.
The image of older workers is based on prejudices, myths. They are false, but self-fulfilling.
How can we retain knowledge from older workers? (brain drain) Lots is being done (successfully) by companies, such as Thales and Shell, in this area.
Christiaan would like to address this question scientifically, using CIMO-logic (Context, Intervention, Mechanism, Outcome).
Gives 6 intervention for knowledge retention:
- file transfer conversation
- leaving expert interviews
- expert-apprentice relation
- individual gap analysis
- knowledge recall
Based on the analysis of the above-mentioned interventions with the CIMO-logic, Christiaan derives statements, such as:
To increase the productivity of employees (O), etc.
Interesting preliminary conclusions are:
- the different methods have comparable outcomes.
- the effects of the methods are mostly implicit
- codification strategy also has effect on personal productivity
- most of the learning is applying the method itself, not in the knowledge is delivers.