Today is my blog's birthday! Man, time does fly. Three years ago I thought I'd give it a go. Never looked back after that. I still enjoy blogging. My blogging has changed over the years. In the first year I blogged a lot. In the second year I blogged less, and wanted to focus more on quality. I hope my readers think this worked out OK. Concluding from my growing number of readers I think the answer is 'yes'. My reasons to blog have not changed. It's a great way to connect to people also interesting in information architecture, information management, knowledge management, web 2.0, enterprise 2.0 and innovation. Although the conversation about blog posts has almost completely moved to Twitter, writing up my thoughts is still very helpful. It helps me structure my thoughts and test my ideas. I also like the fact that I can share these ideas and thoughts at times when people need them. They're on my blog, but you don't need to read them right away. It can m...