Social Business Excellence by Yves Caseau #e20s

Yves Caseau of Bouyeau Telecom is the second keynote at the Enterprise 2.0 Summit. His talk is about Social Business Excellence.

Caseau starts out by giving an overview of the changing landscape and the need for social business. But also shows that elements of Enterprise 2.0 are very old (e.g. lean and 2.0 are closer than you think). His slides give a nice overview of the elements of social business found in lots of older management books. It shows that social business is an integration of many (older) insights.
There is a need for more business agility, because environments are changing faster and are more complex.

Enterprise 2.0 is a cure for "common congestion". Enterprise 2.0 solves 1.0 problems. For instance, how do we reach the right people. E2.0 tools help to do this faster and easier. And, another example, slow convergence of multi-author editing.


  • Integrate 2.0 in (decision and business) processes, not next to it
  • Laissez-faire & faire-savoir (bottom-up, but top-down consolidation)
  • Fractal deployment
  • Lean philosophy: information producer is at the service of the info consumer
Caseau says we need business processes in this new world. They are (still) the backbone of the organization. He points to "lean" and shows how process oriented it is, but still very agile. This kind of process and structure is not that strict as we have come to know.

  • Scientific management (Taylor) needs an overhaul
  • Enterprise 2.0 and lean management, approaches differ, but share a common ground
  • These common grounds are an answer to the ever-increasing complexity of the enterprise and its environment

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