Thoughts on the Maturing of the Enterprise 2.0 Manager #e20s
Cordelia kicks off with her thought on the maturing of Enterprise 2.0 management. She gives an overview of how BASF organizes Enterprise 2.0, specifically the community manager roles and the relatedness to high-level management.
Their maturity model distinguishes between pioneering, piloting, introduction, professionalization (where they are now), business organization (opening up more to the outside world) and organization 2.0 (e2.0 is the way we do business).
The role of the e2.0 manager will co-evolve with these steps project manager, adoption manager, business consultant, strategic consultant and no e2.0 manager anymore.
First question: will there really be no need for management when we reach the Organization 2.0 phase? Luis replies by saying: Do you measure how many emails people are sending and how much they are calling?
The maturity model shows this is an evolution. Once you get started, it's a life time journey, says Luis. Content is not king, people are. Focus on people, then content. People (and the links between them) are king, not content.
We should remember that we did business before we had tools. It's not (only) about the tools, but connecting with people and talking and listening to them.