
Showing posts from December, 2007

Video on Office Live Spaces

Scobelizer has an interesting video on Office Live Spaces . Nice video! I was wondering how this relates to Groove and Sharepoint? Is this just for "smaller groups"? Does anyone know? Also refer to TechCrunch's review .

Blogging transparency

Hope you all had wonderful holidays! Back to blogging! Some time ago I posted on Jeremiah Owyang's blogging approach . I wrote a.o.: What I was thinking though was: isn't it too bad that these draft posts aren't visible in some way from the start? I'm not saying every idea should be public (total transparency), even if that is possible. But in companies it can be very useful to know that somebody's thinking about something and working on an idea. The 150 draft posts show that Jeremiah has loads of ideas that are not really ready to publish, but eventually they will or several draft posts will be merged into one. I think lots of people can relate to this situation. And a blog is a wonderful place to work on, store and publish them. So, wouldn't it be nice to have a way to publish a draft post (just the title for instance) to give your colleagues (or the world) an idea of what you're thinking about? Well at least Jeremiah liked the idea and sent all his draft...

Happy Holidays!

I'm off on vacation. Going skiing! There's lots of snow in Switserland and the sun is shining. What more could you wish for?! Well maybe one of these "perfect snowball makers" ! I wish you all Happy Holidays and hope to see you in January 2008! I'll be celebrating my first blogging anniversary then!

Implications of the Latest PLM acquisitions

Interesting article about the latest PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) acquisitions and their implications. Although this article is focused on the automotive market, it has broader implications to other market segments. A couple of interesting remarks from the article: You could argue that now everybody has a few less choices; the market has consolidated to a few major players. (...) PLM technology is becoming less of a factor. PLM depth of coverage, how rich the solution is, is becoming more of a factor. And I think this remark about Dassault is most important. Being able to support multisite development, engineering and manufacturing is key. Plus being able to collaborate with non-engineers on one platform. Squire says MatrixOne lets Dassault grant access to detailed product definition to virtually anybody in the extended enterprise, and to standardize business processes that use that information across disparate groups, including non-engineers and other people not necessarily...

The New Semantic Web wave (5)

I'll continue and round up my posts on "The New Semantic Web wave" . In this post I'll comment on Alex Iskold's posts about the Semantic Web on Read/WriteWeb . The first post is titled "Semantic Web: Difficulties with the Classic Approach" and the second "Top-Down: A New Approach to the Semantic Web" . First of all: Alex, thanks for the insightful posts and the historical overview of the development of the semantic web. Secondly, to my readers, please read Alex's full posts. Summarizing them for you would withhold you of a good overview. They're long posts, but well worth the read. Now to my comments. I really liked the pragmatic approach ("simple semantics") to the long quest for the Semantic Web (refer to figure). I agree with your "new approach" too. Along with the examples you give, I find that Twine and Powerset are applying this new approach, right? They're doing "simple semantics", not waiting ...

First experiences with Powerset

Some time ago I was invited to use Powerset , a new natural language search tool! I'll share my experiences with you. The user-interface is wonderful! It’s clear, not clogged, lets you type in comments without moving away from the pa ge, etc. Here are two screenshots to give you an idea. When you start using Powerset you get to watch a couple of short video’s on how Powerset works, how you can use it, what the limitations of this version are, etc. Insightful, good expectation management. (By the way, why not let all be able to see those video's, while they're waiting for invites?) To give you a taste of how Powerset’s natural language search works they’ve created a set of queries to illustrate the power of their semantic index. The reference applications are limited to ‘speech’ (quotes), ‘business’ and ‘arts’. There's an application called Powermouse, which gives us a glimpse into Powerset’s natural language index and lets us see how it extracts struc...

Web 2.0 Framework

Also ran into this older post (why didn't I see this before?!) on Ross Dawson's blog: the Web 2.0 framework . It gives a framework for Web 2.0, definitions of Web 2.0 and a Web 2.0 application landscape. Thanks for sharing!

Supporting structured and unstructured information processes

Wow, this is a really interesting post by Ross Dawson. I was trying to summarize it for you, but it's better you read it all! It's related to the discussion about the 'enterprise software' being sexy or not. And about how ERP (Easily Repeatable Process) and BRP (Barely Repeatable Process) relate or don't relate. Some time ago I posted on this topic too, relating to the IT Flower by Innovation Creators here and here . Relating to the IT Flower and my posts, I do find that the ERP (in Rinde's defintion) and the BRP worlds are distinguished too much in Dawson's and Rinde's post. I think one of the problems knowledge workers have, working in 'traditional' companies, is the daily switching between ERP and BRP or between structured and unstructured information processes. There is little or no support for this switching. The ERP and the BRP world in daily work is not distinct, but mixed. What we do see though is the integration of e.g. Sharepoint wit...

Waiting for...

Every knowledge worker sends out lots of emails asking people/colleagues to do something for you. After you hit 'Send' you usually forget about the request. The 'Getting things done' method says you should keep a list of those outstanding tasks. I try to, but it's hard to be consistent... There is an Outlook plugin to make this easier. However, just recently, a colleague of mine (thanks Roel!), pointed me to an even easier (and free) solution to this problem . Just follow the guideline and you're all set!

Automatically Classifying Unstructured Information

CMSWire posted that IBM updated it's Classification Module. It "automates the categorization of large volumes of enterprise information" and integrates with the FileNet P8 CMS platform. Well it doesn't automate it upfront: it gives suggestions and learns from corrections. You can find more information on this module here . This is interesting stuff. Neatly organizing our structured information is taking up most of our time in organizations. But what do we do with all our corporate unstructured information (- assuming we manage this information centrally). This Classification Module can help us sort it out and check our taxonomy and classification. One great use of such a tool is when a company worked on a certain topic, left the topic for some years and wants to come back to it. Where do you start reading and sorting through the information? Having this Module suggest a classification of that information could then be a big help. I was wondering: Is this Module based...

The Semantic Web Wave (4)

Scobelizer shared this first-time demo of Twine . While waiting for an invite I'll chew on this! UPDATE Dec. 18, 2007: Just watched the video. I'm really looking forward to getting my invite. This technology would be very interesting to use in companies. I think the limited scope would make Twine even more useful. Is Radar Networks thinking about offering an enterprise-version of Twine?

Beyond the Ordinary with Christmas...

Nice video on the O'Reilly Radar promoting the 'do it yourself' mentality and, in Océ terms, 'beyond the ordinary' with a Christmas flavor. Enjoy.

Blogging explained

It's already all over the Internet, but in case you missed it: a new Common Craft video explaining blogging .