Blogging transparency

Hope you all had wonderful holidays! Back to blogging!

Some time ago I posted on Jeremiah Owyang's blogging approach. I wrote a.o.:

What I was thinking though was: isn't it too bad that these draft posts aren't visible in some way from the start? I'm not saying every idea should be public (total transparency), even if that is possible. But in companies it can be very useful to know that somebody's thinking about something and working on an idea. The 150 draft posts show that Jeremiah has loads of ideas that are not really ready to publish, but eventually they will or several draft posts will be merged into one. I think lots of people can relate to this situation. And a blog is a wonderful place to work on, store and publish them. So, wouldn't it be nice to have a way to publish a draft post (just the title for instance) to give your colleagues (or the world) an idea of what you're thinking about?

Well at least Jeremiah liked the idea and sent all his draft posts to me. This wasn't quite what I meant. What I meant was to be able to publish draft versions of your posts on your blog. These are clearly marked as 'draft', but all that want to read it may and can also leave comments etc. In this way a post could be finished sooner and be more complete. Looking at Jeremiah's list of topics, I'd say the key words aren't enough to elaborate on.

To give you an idea I'll post some of my draft posts here. And I'll be doing that more next year.

1. Managing structured and unstructured information holistically

I'm looking for a toolset or architecture that allows companies to manage the complete product lifecycle, from idea to product to service. Tools to manage unstructured information are abundant as are tools to manage structured product information. But tools that can do both or support switching between both aren't.

2. Managing context of information

I'm looking for ways to easily and concisely manage the context of information objects in companies. To give you an example. For the attached document to an email, the email is very important. The email gives context to the document. It tells the receiver, e.g., what to do with it. Are their tools that allow me to store contextual information and/or add this information?


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