Blogging approach

We are smarter than me, a new interesting platform that wants to be "the leading provider of community best practices for business" has several interesting podcasts. One is with Jeremiah Owyang. He passes on some interesting stuff about his blogging strategy. People often ask blogger where they get the time to blog. And Jeremiah is a super blogger, with lots of posts, so he's definitely one that can answer this question.

When he has ideas (even in the middle of the night) he writes them down. Sometimes just small bits (midi posts), small ideas that grow. He has 150 (!) posts in draft. He works on them for some time and then posts them.
Well, this gives you an idea of a blogging strategy. It's comparable to mine actually (although I don't post as much as Jeremiah and they're definitely not as good as his...).

What I was thinking though was: isn't it too bad that these draft posts aren't visible in some way from the start? I'm not saying every idea should be public (total transparency), even if that is possible. But in companies it can be very useful to know that somebody's thinking about something and working on an idea. The 150 draft posts show that Jeremiah has loads of ideas that are not really ready to publish, but eventually they will or several draft posts will be merged into one. I think lots of people can relate to this situation. And a blog is a wonderful place to work on, store and publish them. So, wouldn't it be nice to have a way to publish a draft post (just the title for instance) to give your colleagues (or the world) an idea of what you're thinking about?


  1. Samuel -- As luck would have it, I'm the guy that podcasted with Jeremiah on the We Are Smarter site. I've pinged him on Twitter with a link to your post. I think it's a cool idea i.e. transparency into his blog writing ideas/process. Let's see what happens!

    Aaron Strout

  2. This is freaking awesome. I love the idea. Ok, maybe I'll turn on a wiki and let it fly.

    The problem is, some of these posts are just fragements of ideas and the rest of it is just in my mind.

    I actually "write" in my mind during the night, and when I get to the keyboard at 3-4am it just flys off my fingers, like it's writing itself.

    Let me figure out how I can make both worlds work, I really like your idea. THANK YOU!

  3. Here are some of the posts that I plan to write, most are fragments or titles only. Feel free to expand on any of the ideas.

    Web Theory: The Distributed Web Strategy (What Scoble calls the Starfish),

    Media Snackers,



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