The Future of Document Management (2)
A couple of day ago I pointed to a post about the future of Document Management. Here are the predictions by CMSWatch on CMSWire. Two interesting ones are:
#3: MOSS enters the valley of disappointmentActually I was quite surprised by the cynical tone of the predictions. Not very objective, with hardly any real arguments. For instance, what I see is that companies are all moving towards the Sharepoint platform. Most companies will start to implement and use it in 2008. If disappointment kicks in, it won't be in 2008. And, what is the alternative according to CMSWatch? Back big vendors like EMC, etc?
They continue on their “SharePoint is a virus” bend predicting it’s growth and the inevitable backlash, particularly in larger enterprises. The backlash relates to compliance issues as organizations lose site of their data in their SharePoint sites. Organizations also start to wake up to the reality that it isn’t cheap to build applications in SharePoint (at least not as easy as Microsoft had led people to believe).
#7: Facebook backlash in the enterprise
As fast as it’s been growing, Facebook may meet it’s maker in the enterprise as organizations try it and find disappointment. Why? It’s not a platform for information-oriented collaboration and it’s security capabilities are less then stellar.