Social Marketing to Millenials by Charles Hull @charleshull #sbs2011
His talk is about millennials. Some numbers:
Gen X: 40 milion in US
Gen Y: 70 million in US
Millennial themes:
- life tracking: millennials leverage technology to collect, categorize and diagram personal stats to better understand themselves. E.g.,
- Middle class of fame: the 15 minutes of fame ideology has gone from an aspiration to an expectation.
- Digidentity: Youth use their social channels to establish their identities and demonstrate their social currency.
- Tech-eyed view: Millenials see the world through a social media lens making every moment sharable.
The implications
What are the opportunties for marketeers?
- lifetrack - provide fun ways to do that
- fame - give them opportunities to be publicly recognized
- digidentity - give them ways to share their achievements
- techeyed - give them the tools to entertain, assist and inform
UPDATE April 6, 2011: Corrected text, added pictures and links.